Extreme Virtue 4: With Malice toward Some

With Malice toward Some  Randall E. Auxier Leon Czolgosz is not a name people recognize. Yet, his act sketched above was a great turning point in American history (all of the Americas). The Republican Party had installed Theodore Roosevelt in the Vice-President’s office, an isolated deck of the ship of state, where a loose canon…

Death and Taxes

We lump taxes together with death as the two things we dread and can be certain of. But I would like to suggest that we think of taxes as a way of helping our neighbors who may be in need and improving our schools which are failing to get the job done. We pay less…

Extreme Virtue 2: The Courage of Our Convictions

The Courage of Our Convictions Randall E. Auxier “Commitment” probably isn’t the first word that would come to your mind looking at this image. Or if it does, perhaps only in the way we think of older married people. Things are not always as they seem. These two are lovers alright, but it’s not what…

Extreme Virtue 1: The Watergate Syndrome

The Watergate Syndrome Randall Auxier   Some of you will recognize this picture. It’s famous in some circles. But for those who don’t, please think along with me for a few hundred words. I am reading through a book on virtue by Crispin Sartwell. He wanted to talk about five virtues that are not often…

Self Esteem and Other Nonsense

One of the curious notions that permeates education circles these days, especially in the lower grades, is the idea that children should be told they are wonderful when they aren’t the least bit remarkable. This notion has expanded beyond the schools and now permeates the culture as a whole; it was recently questioned by a…

Histrionics and Honesty

The tennis player breaks serve to even the match and drops to one knee, pumps his fist four times and turns to his player’s box and gives out a primal scream that makes the birds for hundreds of feet around leave their trees in a panic. The defensive end makes a routine tackle, leaps up,…

Of Veils – and Their Provenance

Of Veils – and Their Provenance Section One. Introduction What follows are my thoughts on the issue of Veils worn by Women in societies predominantly Muslim – and as a self-ascribed practice. The note was crafted in response to an invitation elsewhere and has been edited to fit a general readership among friends on this wall.…

Picktures and Pieces 1: Days of Miracle and Wonder

“Days of Miracle and Wonder” by Randall Auxier   This is travelling music for sure. We are northbound on “Future I-26 West.” You read that right. (North Carolina has a quasi-interstate by that name; I’ll take this up in a later blog.) My travelling companion is the wife of my first marriage, united in 1986,…